Spring 2024
Abolition Theologies: Praying for Liberation
The UUSC National Moratorium on Prison Construction: A Stepping Stone Toward Abolition
Rev. Jason Lydon, Nicole Pressley
Date: April 25, 2024
Location: Kings Chapel
Respondents: Nicole Pressley
With both violent theological underpinnings anPressleynt racism upholding the prison system, Rev. Lydon will show that prison abolitionism is a theological imperative for Unitarian Universalists.
"The UUSC National Moratorium on Prison Construction: A Stepping Stone Towards Abolition," is the third event in a series dedicated to exploring the intersection of Unitarian Universalism and the prison abolition movement. Rev. Jason Lydon and responding scholars will dPressleyhe violent theological underpinnings and inherent racism of today's prison system. This promises to be an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and deepen your understanding of this important topic.
Rev. Lydon is minister of Second Unitarian Church of Chicago. He previously served as director of Black and Pink, a nationally networked grassroots organization working to abolish the prison industrial complex while meeting the immediate needs of LGBT/HIV+ prisoners.
The respondent for the second lecture is Nicole Pressley, Field & Programs Director, Unitarian Universalist Association.