Justice and Liberation
We seek to amplify underrepresented voices and empower marginalized communities. The following lectures offer research and perspectives from Unitarian Universalist historians, ethicists, and activists who are creating powerful change in our community and beyond.

Transforming Religion
What do changing technologies, lifestyles and traditions mean for Unitarian Universalism? The future of faith will go beyond congregational walls. The lectures in this section seek to meet the moment—and help faith leaders reach global audiences through modern communication, development programs, blogs, and more.

Power and Politics
Minns Lectures engage with human rights and social justice issues, putting action behind our belief in the dignity and worth of every person. The lectures in this section explore how Unitarian Universalists can work across the political spectrum to create radical change.

Creating Community
Minns Lectures are a source of community and connection. By highlighting the diversity of the human experience, we work to move beyond the boundaries of culture, creed, and congregation. The following lectures lead with love—and explore how we might build community in a world that often feels divided.
Abolition Theologies: Praying for Liberation
Rev. Jason Lydon
- Wed, Apr 30Unity Church–Unitarian
- Thu, May 08First Unitarian Church, Rochester
- Wed, May 14First Church Boston
- Sat, Jun 14First Church Boston