Spring 2016
Kosmos: Remembering a Future for Unitarian Universalism
Figuring Out Who We Are and How We Got That Way
Rev. Stephen Kendrick
Date: May 4, 2016
Location: First Church Boston
Unitarian Universalism is not purely an eclectic faith drawing from all world religions, nor a purely humanist movement capable of challenging other recent start-ups such as the Humanist Hub. Nor is UUism a vibrant alternative to classic church structures composing a unique religious entity. Any of these possible structures is noble, but they are not who UU's are, and none reflect the more than 300 years of history that have made us the way we are. Rev. Kendrick proposes that there is "something very special to revive and remember within [UUism's] own tradition. In a world growing hotter by the day," he says, "and more confusing in terms of religious and national borders, we could use a refresher course in Margaret Fuller's 'A New Manifestation Is at Hand,' and Emerson's cry, 'I will left up my hands and say, Kosmos.'"